#Meta_Data: Our COVID Mapping Project
COVID data reporting is a 9-5 job in USA but a round-the-clock effort in the developing world…and our COVID Mapping Project is stellar.
Get this. Most U.S. states are only reporting COVID-19 case data (manually, btw…) during the 9-5 workweek.
We repeat: 37 US states & territories are only reporting COVID-19 data from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday. See for yourself:
Not surprisingly: global pandemics don’t clock-in and clock-out. Viruses don’t take weekends off. The threat is constant; thus, our understanding of metrics should be incessant as well. Why? Glad you asked: reduced or limited reporting negatively impacts decision-making opportunities for both citizens and, more importantly, state/federal policymakers. Meaning decisions pertaining to mask policy, public gatherings, vaccine distribution, and hospitalization rates are delayed at best.
Meanwhile, Standard Co is working with a multitude of organizations in Peru, Brazil, Kenya, and Ethiopia to develop complex data automations, real-time dashboards, mapping projects, and more that operate 24/7. The COVID-19 data in so-called “developing” nations is far superior than that of our own backyard.
Standard Co is taking every available opportunity to work with scientists, data experts, NGOs, public health officials, big pharma, and more to ensure that global COVID-19 data is accurate, accessible, and consistent — 24/7 — whenever and where ever possible. However, our powerful tools and real humans can’t process data that isn’t collected. If the notion of 9-5/M-F data collection sounds preposterous to you as well, we suggest contacting your local representatives and public health departments ASAP.
In the meantime, explore (and SHARE) our COVID Mapping Project — this free tool pulls from a variety of datasets to provide city- and county-level metrics surrounding vaccine rates, vaccine hesitancy, hospitalization rates, exposure risks, and more in easily-digestible dashboards & mapping visualizations. And, if you have any suggestions for improving COVID Mapping Project, hit us up at info@standardco.de.
Takes the fun out of popcorn, really…
We’ve compiled the stories below for your perusal, intelligence-building, and overall enjoyment.
The Land of the Free (Expiring) Vaccines
Unused vaccine doses across America are expiring while much of the developing world is clamoring for COVID-19 relief.
Shocking: COVID-19 vs. Accidental Electrocution
The Kaiser Family Foundation’s latest research shows that vaccine effectiveness is extremely high, preventing hospitalization and death so much so that random electrocution is the bigger threat to vaccinated populations.
Model Citizen’s Breakthrough Data Model Inspires CDC Action
Data scientist Michael Donnelly bookmarked a spike in COVID-19 cases amongst his network of vaccinated individuals and urged the CDC to rethink mask mandates.
Predicting the Unpredictable
Whip-smart researchers at Florida Atlantic University developed the first data-driven deep learning model with potential to predict an outbreak in COVID-19 cases two weeks in advance.
The Lost Kiddos of the Pandemic
As classrooms went virtual amid pandemic shutdowns, some 20% of Kindergarteners — particularly in low-income areas — disappeared from roll call.
Standard Co Founder & Chief Organizer Person, TJ Muehleman, discusses the origin of our COVID Mapping Project.